August 14, 2023

Dear Friend:

For more than 25 years, Ecu-Health Care has provided access to health care coverage to residents of Northern Berkshire County, and much has changed since we opened our doors in 1995.  In our early years, we fulfilled our mission primarily through our voluntary physician program, as eligibility for public health insurance was very limited.  The implementation of health care reform on both State and Federal levels have expanded our mission and we are proud of Ecu-Health Care’s critical role in the community as the area’s designated outreach and enrollment site for all public health insurance programs.

Unemployment, a lack of workplace insurance, family disruption, and illness or injury all pose challenges to obtaining and maintaining health coverage for many area residents. Ecu-Health Care plays a crucial role in helping area residents enroll in programs and receive critical medical care by providing one-to-one application assistance to area residents, giving them the support they need to enroll in the health coverage programs for which they are eligible.

With the implementation of national health reform, the complexity of the application processes for all programs makes our work more essential than ever.  It is important to know that Ecu-Health Care provides guidance and assistance to all age groups, including helping individuals over age 65 on Medicare strengthen their coverage with needed supplemental insurance.

Ecu-Health Care is the only stand-alone non-profit organization in Massachusetts whose mission focuses explicitly on health coverage outreach and enrollment.  To fulfil our mission, we need your support.  Your gift of $50, $100, $500 or whatever you can afford is crucial to our success as we help all North Berkshire residents, our families, friends, and neighbors, access health coverage.  Please consider making a donation today using the enclosed envelope.  Thank you for your generous support.


Donald LeBreux - Board President

Karen Baumbach-Executive Director

Ecu-Health 2023 Newsletter